South Dakota Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics


The South Dakota Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics is the professional association for Registered Dietitian Nutritionists in South Dakota that:



for increasing reimbursement for MNT, and legislation that impacts RDNs, such as the Farm Bill, diabetes prevention, food security or licensure issues.


future students to become involved by offering student Academy memberships to undergraduate dietetics students and dietetic interns.



the role of the RDN through connections with the community, ancillary healthcare associations, and relationships with state/national lawmakers.


member benefits, such as scholarships, local continuing education opportunities, social events, job postings, speaking opportunities, awards and more.

You can become of member of SDAND by joining the national Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and selecting South Dakota as your affiliate.

If you are a member of another state’s affiliate and would like to add South Dakota, you may pay $30 to receive member benefits. Contact


SDAND Member Benefits

  • Networking: Social events and annual conference

  • Continuing Education: Discounted annual conference and legislative day event fees

  • Advocacy: A voice in local and national public policy

  • Leadership: Board of director opportunities

  • Exposure: Listing in the Find a Dietitian Directory and the Speaker/Spokesperson Bureau

  • Career: Free job postings and easy access to see new job postings

  • Recognition: Annual member awards

Member Awards

Awards are given every year for:

Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year
Outstanding Dietitian of the Year
Emerging Dietetic Leader
Outstanding Preceptor of the Year
Dietetic Student of the Year

If you would like to nominate someone for an award, you can view the Awards Criteria and then fill out the Nomination Form.

A list of past award winners can be found HERE.

Board of Directors

Elections for open board positions are done every Spring and new officers begin each June. If you are interested in being on the Board of Directors OR nominating someone else to be on the BOD, please fill out THIS FORM. Board members can be contacted at

President: Kat Thomsen

Term: 2024-2026
Duties: Responsible for member reconciliation, serving on all committees, promoting Speaker’s Bureau and Find a RD resource, and being the contact for partner organizations. Plans SDAND annual conference during first year and helps president-elect during second year. Travels to FNCE once/term.

Treasurer: Anna heronimus

Term: 2021-2025
Duties: Plans annual budget with financial secretary. Acts as primary approval for SDAND financial items with President and pays SDAND bills. Serves on annual conference committee to keep committee on budget.

President-Elect: Elected in 2025

Term: 2025-2026
Duties: Works hand-in-hand with the president and attends president-elect training. Plans SDAND annual conference with conference planning committee and present. After one year as president-elect, will act as SDAND president for a 2-year term.

Treasurer-Elect: Vicki Swier

Term: 2024-2025
Works hand-in-hand with the treasurer in the final year of their term. During this one year term, the treasurer-elect will be receive training/access to all accounts and budgets.

Executive Coordinator: Anna Tvedt

Term: Ongoing
Duties: Acts as continuity person from year to year, helping to complete LLC filing with the state of South Dakota as well as tax reporting. Also participates in SDAND annual convention planning, including coordinating contracts and travel arrangements for speakers and vendor communication.

Public Policy Panel

Public Policy Coordinator: Kendra Kattelmann

Term: 2024-2027
Duties: Chairs the public policy panel (PPP). Attends to national legislation that affects RDs and sets up Congressional meetings with the Nutrition and Dietetics Advocacy Summit. Educates SDAND members on federal legislative and policy issues and is the key connection to the Academy’s Policy Initiatives and Advocacy (PIA) team. Trains PPC-Elect in final year.

State Policy Specialist: Megan Eisenvos

Term: 2022-2025
Duties: Monitors state legislative activities and bills with support from the Academy’s policy arm. Works closely with the PPC on overall legislative efforts and nutrition-related bills. Acts as the state agency liaison for reimbursement and takes the lead on state Legislative Day or events planned with the PPC.

House of Delegates: Charlotte Rommereim

Term: 2022-2025
Duties: Serves as the affiliate voice in the national House of Delegates. Ensures alignment of public policy activities with Academy priorities. Public Policy Panel member and works with Nutrition Services Payment Specialist/Reimbursement Rep in planning initiatives. Attends one in person HOD meeting and one virtual HOD meeting per year. Updates policy and procedure manual each year and reconciles bylaws.

Public Policy Coordinator-Elect: Elected in 2026

Term: 2026-2027
Duties: Works with Public Policy Coordinator to learn the dynamics of local and national legislative efforts. Assists with grassroots events and travels to the Nutrition and Dietetics Advocacy Summit if able.

Nutrition Services Payment Specialist: Karen Klinkner

Term: 2024-2027
Duties: Serves as a local resource for SDAND members who have questions about reimbursement issues and serves as coordinator of local advocacy efforts to expand state (Medicaid) and local (private payer) nutrition coverage policies. Works with HOD position and participates in training from the Academy.

Consumer Protection Coordinator: DeLaine Rasmussen

Term: 2024-2027
Duties: Informs SDAND membership about consumer protection issues and monitors the activities of state licensure, certification and/or regulatory boards. Uses email templates to field and address state scope creep complaints/issues in house prior to taking anything to SDBMOE board. Appointed position.

Nominating Committee & Awards

Nominating Committee Chair/Awards: Megan Jacobson

Term: 2022-2025
Duties: Chairs nominating committee (chair has been on committee longest) to curate nominations and carry out board of director elections. Also promotes voting in national AND election to local membership and helps with award selection.

Awards Chair/Nominating Committee: Abbie Lambert

Term: 2024-2027
Duties: Chairs award nominations and selection. Works with executive coordinator on awards ordering and presentation at the annual conference luncheon. Helps curate nominations and carry out local board of director elections.

Nominating Committee/Awards: ellie nyberg

Term: 2023-2026
Duties: Helps nominating committee curate nominations and carry out local board of director elections. Also helps with award selection.

Fundraising & Social Events

Fundraising & Social Events coordinator: Claudia Botzet

Term: 2023-2026
Duties: Responsible for determining and executing fundraising initiatives that fund SDAND member scholarships. Responsible for planning/coordinating social events at annual meetings, RD Days or quarterly for SDAND members or appoints someone to help with socials. Appointed position.

Fundraising & Social Events committee: Stasia elsinger

Term: 2024-2028
Duties: Responsible for determining and executing fundraising initiatives that fund SDAND member scholarships. Responsible for planning and coordinating social events. Appointed position.

Social Media, Email & Website Coordination

Digest Editor: Jessica Endres

Term: 2024-2027
Duties: Curates articles for quarterly Member Digest, disseminates to membership and places in appropriate Member's Only folder on the Google Drive. Appointed position.


IDEA Liaison: Hope Rasmussen

Term: 2024-2026
Duties: IDEA Liaisons are charged with conducting diversity outreach events to promote the profession to diverse individuals and/or increase the cultural competency of current practitioners by planning at least one program per year.

Student Liaison: McKayla Olson

Term: 2024-2025
Duties: Submits quarterly report to SDAND board on student activities and participates in special projects as requested such as social events, Facebook group monitoring, annual meeting registration, etc. Appointed position based on application submissions.

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Existing SDAND Members

Access the Member’s Only Google Drive for past digest articles, Policy & Procedure manual, List Serv access info, scholarship application, reimbursement application and more. Contact for the access link.

Request access to SDAND Member’s Only Facebook Group for event announcements and forum discussions.

List Serv: Members are added to the listserv monthly. You can find instructions for posting in the listserv in the Member’s Only Google Drive Folder.


New Board of Directors

Upon being elected to the BOD, you will be added to the BOD Member’s Only Google Drive folder. Open the Policy & Procedure Manual, find your position description, and review. Get in touch with the past position holder for a briefing on your position and upcoming action items.

Review this BOD Orientation FAQ document.

BOD meetings are held quarterly. You may choose to meet with your position "buddies" (ex: nominating and awards committee) more regularly.